- Is Dumbo crying or laughing? Dumbo is crying. 大宝在哭还是在笑?大宝在哭。
- Is Dumbo crying or laughing?Dumbo is crying. 大宝在哭还是在笑? 大宝在哭.
- Is Dumbo crying or laughing? 大宝在哭还是在笑?
- Holding a book she likes reading slowly, and with the story of the book or sad or Hei, or cry or laugh. 捧一本自己喜欢的书慢慢的读,和书中的故事一同或喜或悲,或哭或笑。
- A Japanese battle cry or patriotic cheer. 万岁日本人在进攻时的呐喊或爱国的欢呼;
- I never know whether my wife is really crying or just playacting. (修改):我从来就不知道我老婆到底是真的在哭,还是在演戏。
- I was listening for a cry or a whimper from upstairs. 我留神听著楼上传来的哭声或呜咽声。
- Sunny Boy,I'm not in the mood to eat or laugh. 贝基: 阳光仔,我心情不好,不想吃,也不想笑。
- To cry or screech like a cat in heat. 尖叫象叫春的猫一样叫喊或尖叫
- You're free to talk or laugh here. 在这里你可以随便说笑。
- To smirk or laugh in contempt or derision. 嘲笑轻蔑或嘲弄地假笑或笑
- Stop crying or the boogieman will get you. 不要哭了,不然妖怪会把你带走。
- To cry or wail loudly,as in pain,sorrow,or anger. 嚎啕大哭如因痛苦、悲伤或愤怒而大声哭喊或哭泣。
- A Japanese battle cry or patrioticcheer. 万岁日本人在进攻时的呐喊或爱国的欢呼;
- To cry or sob with soft intermittent sounds;whine. 抽泣:轻声间断的出声地哭泣;
- Chinese merchants call him Happy Chinaman or Laughing Buddha. 华商称他为快乐中国佬,或是笑佛。
- Some cannot help expressing their feelings: They cry, shake with anger, or laugh uncomfortably. 有的受害人抑制不住情感:她们会哭泣、愤怒得发抖、或不自然地发笑。
- The teacher told us not to talk or laugh loudly in the classroom. 老师告诉我们不要在教室里大声喧哗。
- Father and do not have laugh or laugh and lax cannot take. 严而无笑或笑而不严都是不可取的。
- Everybody in the audience was crying or deeply affected. 观众都在哭或深受感动。